Angel of History

Angel of History

“Since their work“Transgression” in 1997, they have removed themselves from the direct-intervention method in the body, and have begun investigating the possibilities of interactive experiences through the representational body. The work“Angel of History”, exhibited at the Utsunomiya Museum of Art, is along this line. It uses images of waves from the sea instead of the images of the clear blue sky that they had used in their earlier work. The surface of the sea that is projected onto plasma displays on the floor portrays the expansion of the surface of the globe. The illuminated tower in the center is incorporated to symbolize the literary information that is rapidly exchanged on the Internet, and which has been visualized as a type of the energy. This work shows a glimpse of the surface of the sea and the waves that extend endlessly, as well as the sea of electrons generated by information sources that surrounds the globe. When the participants begin to row out from the visible sea to the invisible sea of digital networks, they will start to perceive another sea that spreads inside their own consciousness”
(A Sense of Reality, 1999)

Copyright(C) 1991-2009 TOWATA Masayuki + MATSUMOTO Yasuaki. All rights reserved.